Wednesday, January 28, 2009

William Gurnall's quotes

God Himself underwrites your battle and has appointed His own Son 'the Captain of your salvation.'

God's wounds cure, sin's kisses kill.

No, the Christian must stand fixed to his principles, and not change his habit; but freely show what countryman he is by his holy constancy in the truth.

Blind zeal is soon put to a shameful retreat, while holy resolution, built on fast principles, lifts up its head like a rock in the midst of the waves.

In heaven we shall appear, not in armour, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work, and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ.

Therefore it should be our care, if we would not yield to the sin, not to walk by, or sit at, the door of the occasion.

As you love your peace, Christian, be plain-hearted with God and man, and keep the king's highway.

It is true, Christian, the debt thou owest to God must be paid in good and lawful money, but, for thy comfort, here Christ is thy paymaster.

When I consider how the goodness of God is abused by the greatest part of mankind, I cannot but be of his mind that said, 'The greatest miracle in the world is God's patience and bounty to an ungrateful world.'

Mercy should make us ashamed, wrath afraid to sin.

It is no policy to let thy lusts have arms, which are sure to rise and declare against thee when thine enemy comes.

Take heed thou makest not the least child thine enemy by offering wrong to him; God will right the wicked even upon the saint.

Thou hast no life to lose, because thou hast given it already to Christ, nor can man take away that without God's leave.

Sin disabled man to keep God's law, but it doth not enfranchise or disoblige him that he need not keep it.

His subject thou art whom thou crownest in thy heart, and not whom thou flatterest with thy lips.

Christ will bear no equal, and Satan no superior; and therefore, hold in with both thou canst not.

All his commands are acts of grace, it is a favour to be employed about them.

How can God stoop lower than to come and dwell with a poor humble soul? which is more than if he had said, such a one should dwell with him; for a beggar to live at court is not so much as the king to dwell with him in his cottage.

Can Christ be in thy heart, and thou not know it? Can one king be dethroned and another crowned in thy soul, and thou hear no scuffle?

When people do not mind what God speaks to them in His word, God doth as little mind what they say to Him in prayer.

None will have such a sad parting from Christ, as those who went half-way with Him and then left Him.

The Christian is bred by the Word, and he must be fed by it.

Compare Scripture with Scripture. False doctrines, like false witnesses, agree not among themselves.

Christ hath told us He will come, but not when, that we might never put off our clothes, or put out the candle.

As Christ hath His saints in Nero's court; so the devil his servants in the outer court of the visible church.

Peace of conscience is nothing but the echo of pardoning mercy.

The devil is a great student in divinity.

Nothing is smoother than the sea, yet when stirred into a tempest, nothing rageth more. Nothing is so sweet as the patience and goodness of God, and nothing is so terrible as His wrath when it takes fire.

We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man's terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God.

Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.

All the plots of hell and commotions on earth have not so much as shaken God's hand to spoil one letter or line he has been drawing.

Humility is a necessary veil to all other graces.

Pray often rather than very long at a time. It is hard to be very long in prayer, and not slacken in our affections.

Pride loves to climb up, not as Zaccheus to see Christ, but to be seen.

Thou must be righteous and holy, before thou canst live righteously and holily.

Can Christ be in thy heart, and thou not know it? Can one king be dethroned and another crowned in thy soul, and thou hear no scuffle?

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